The PBS “News Hour” will televise my interview with Gwen Ifill tonight (Friday August 30) at 7:00 PM ET in most areas.
One of the points we discussed would generate Ifill’s question to President Obama about the racial underpinnings of partisan gridlock in the United States.  She and co-anchor Judy Woodruff talked with President Obama in the White House the next day, immediately after his speech at the 50th anniversary commemoration of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
The 50th anniversary drew widespread news coverage for a week. Its impact on politics and national discourse is still uncertain. Here are three recent tweets with links to programs that raise what I think are the most significant legacies and challenges from the 1963 March:
[1] This clip from Sunday’s @FaceTheNation with NAACP’s @BenJealous, Marian Wright Edelman, & me on the MOW’s legacy:
[2] An NBC Press Pass clip with @davidgregory on why MLK & the civil rights movement are “modern Founders” in US freedom:
[3] Pres Obama on whether partisan gridlock is driven by race: . Tonight’s PBS @NewsHour traces that sensitive question.
Other programs about the March are listed under “Appearances/Past Appearances.”